STAT 244 - Calculator Walkthroughs
TI-84 | TI-89 | Comparing Two Proportions
TI-84 | TI-89 | Comparing Two Independent Means
TI-84 | TI-89 | Comparing Two Dependent Means
Calculator Programs
TI-83/4 | TI-89 | INVT Inverse Student's t Distribution
TI-83/4 | TI-89 | INVF Inverse F Distribution
TI-83/4 | TI-89 | INVCHI2 Inverse Chi-Square Distribution
TI-83/4 | TI-89 | CHIGOF Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test
TI-83/4 | TI-89 | CVR Critical Value for Pearson's r
TI-83/4 | TI-89 | SDINFER Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing for Standard Deviation (Credit for 83+/84 version)
Calculator Software
PC | Mac | Downloading TI-Connect software
PC | Mac | Transfer programs from computer to calculator
PC | Mac | Download Stats/List Editor App for TI-89
PC | Mac | Downloading Apps and upgrading OS
Other Info
DRC Accommodated Testing
PSU Academic Calendar
Statistics Tutoring Schedule in NH 96